Settling into Saturday

Ever since I started working everyday I realize one thing, I love Saturday!  Saturdays are the days that I get to wake up to a little person in my face yelling, “momma’s home!”  I don’t even get mad that it is 6:30 because I can just continue to lie in bed.  I am not concerned with the alarm clock or getting up to getting ready and leave. I love Saturdays because I can drink a whole pot of coffee and sit on the back porch and bake muffins! Saturdays are amazing! I can settle into my pajamas for the morning and just get comfortable.

In the interest of honesty, this is not a picture of my actual muffins. 

This very morning as I was enjoying my 2nd pot of coffee….and my pajamas I decided to do my Solo Journal(found here: I should have known that my moments of settling in would end as soon as I decided to open it! This book continues to challenge me and encourage me! As I looked at Day 33 one of the questions popped out at me immediately, “What would you like to ask God for regarding the future?” As I began to think about this question of course a few things came to mind, getting out of debt, blessings for my family and answers to various prayers. Then I started to think about all the things God had already done for me and it hit me. The thing I most want God to do for my future is to continue working it out in me!

I began to think, God, don’t stop now! Keep on working in my life! I have changed so much in the time I have known God; He has worked things out in me so that I am a completely different person! I know God has done amazing things, but this morning I also know that I cannot settle into the Saturdays of life, there is so much more work to be done in me! The last thing I want to say, as an encouragement to anyone reading this is, “More Work!” That does not sound exciting for my lazy Saturday morning, but I will say this; let God work for you, on your behalf. Let Him change your life, I am proof that He will, in the big things and in the small things, letting God change my life is the best decision I have ever made.

Are you settled into your Saturday or is God still working it out in you? 

2 Corinthians 5:17
“17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”