Generous Souls

There has been a word on my mind for the past few weeks and I just can’t seem to shake it.  The word is Generosity.  I am no stranger to generosity.  One of my most favorite people in the whole world just also happens to be the most generous person I know.  That person is my dad.  His generosity is kind of funny because he does it in a grouchy way.  Almost like he doesn’t want anyone to know just how generous He is.  Come to think of it he is kind of grouchy all the time, except when this little lady is around, whom he seems to have an extra special connection with.  Emery loves her poppy. 

I have been thinking about my dad and the generosity that he operates in and I am amazed at the people in my life who are so giving, not just of their finances but of their time and really giving of their lives.  We have so many good friends who are giving and generous with their lives. 

Some of those amazing friends are the Gordon’s.  

Steve and Lyndsey have been our friends for over seven years.  Steve and I weren’t exactly friends when we first met, but he and Matt have been friends for close to ten years.  Steve and Lyndsey have been generous to us over the years in so many ways.  Seven years ago when we were getting ready to move our family back to Illinois they came down to Macon to help us load up our stuff and drive back home with us.  This was the first time I had ever met Lyndsey and we were instant friends.  I love these people and not just because they have continued to be generous to us over the years but because they are genuinely giving people.  It brings them joy to give to others. 

Steve is similar to my dad in a lot of ways, he gives without wanting credit, without expecting anything in return, and he gives just for the joy that he gets in blessing others.  Some might say that Steve is a little grouchy as well, now I personally wouldn’t say that but some people might.

The bible says in Proverbs 25:11
“The generous soul will be made rich,And he who waters will also be watered himself.”  When someone has a giving soul their lives are rich regardless of the amount of money in their checkbooks.

I am challenged by the givers in my life, they challenge be to be generous not only with my money but with myself.  This morning I watched someone I work with give a customer some money out of her purse, I don’t know what the need was but she saw the need and she met it without hesitation.  What if we all lived life that way?  Giving out of what we have, giving of our time, our money and our lives.  I think the world would be a different place if we weren’t always looking out for number one. 

I want to have a generous soul, the kind of soul who gives when they see a need, the kind of person who doesn’t wait to be prodded but who gives just for the joy of giving.  I am so thankful for people whose lives challenge me to change.  I thank God for them.  I thank God for my dad and for friends like Steve and Lyndsey. No matter how long it is between visits or how far apart we live these are the type of people who will always be there for us and I hope that we can be there for them in return. 

Lilah and Layton (Steve and Lyndsey's youngest)

Who are those generous people in your life?  Who can benefit from your generosity?   My hope is that we can all have generous souls; that we can all give and receive generosity in a way that honors Christ. 

Numbers 6:24-26
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, 
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
 And give you peace.”’