A Discussion....

In my blog for the most part I try to keep it light. I find myself writing about my shortcoming, my kids and the life I am trying to live. I am hopefully encouraging someone with my thoughts and words; at least that’s my goal. But I have to tell you this morning my heart is heavy.

This morning I was at the gym with my friend Avery. She told me something that really is weighing heavy on my heart. So heavy in fact that I went to a news site to check it out. Now if you know me, you know that I don’t really watch the news, the arguing of politics makes me uncomfortable, the kind of uncomfortable when you see someone really embarrassing themselves and you just want to turn the channel. So I try and steer clear of the consistently bad news that appears on the news stations and websites. I do it mostly for my own sanity. I feel overwhelmed by the state of our world.

But today Avery asked if I had heard that the morning after pill was to become available to girls age 15 over the counter. I had not heard this; I can not believe that this would be true. Selling this as an appropriate option to our daughters? With no parental consent or information on the effects of this drug, putting it next to Tylenol and Benadryl as to infer that it is a simple medicine for a case of the sniffles….what?

I went to the Fox news website and didn’t find anything about this on the main page. I did find a lot of news worthy coverage about Lindsey Lohan and her ever present parade of social drama (insert sarcasm here). So I searched the website and found this, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/30/fda-morning-after-pill-to-move-over-counter/... It is indeed true the Plan B drug is now available over the counter. There are even some groups angry that there is any age limit imposed. I am sorry but I have a problem with this. Why in the world are we trying so hard to allow our children to become grown ups at age 15. I know that children are having sex. I know that they are getting pregnant at 15 but why would we create an easier option for them to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

The ease of it is what is bothering me. Oh you had sex and didn’t use protection? Here take a little pill that will make everything better. I am not naive enough to think that kids are going to stop having sex, but instead of making it easier maybe we as adults, responsible adults, elected officials, should try to think of some options for preventing our kids from losing their innocence at age 15. Maybe we should use all of our education and fancy degrees to come up with some solutions that would help girls learn to value themselves and their bodies. To help them understand that sex does not make you valuable and it does not give you love. Sex with a 15 or 16 year old boy is only, and I mean only going to end in heartbreak.

I have seen first hand the pain and devastation that is caused when people have abortions, imagine the ease in popping a pill to take care of the possibility. What affects will this have on our girls? Not their bodies, but their souls, their hearts. We are effectively removing any consequence of promiscuity by allowing the pill to be bought over the counter with no parental supervision. As a mother I feel that I have a right to know if my CHILD is buying this drug. What are the side effects? How does it work? What potential risk will it hold for my daughter’s future?

Today is the national day of prayer. The theme for this year is Pray for America. Eli, my 8 yr old said something to me last week that I can’t quite seem to let go of, so in the words of my 8 yr old, “2013 has been tragic”. Yes it has be tragic, tragic indeed. The only hope that we have as a nation is that God will show us mercy, but we must ask for it. I hope that you will join me today in praying for America and especially praying for its daughters, I pray that they will learn that they are valuable and their bodies are sacred, a gift designed for their husbands. It is not old fashioned, it’s the Bible.