Tales from Guyana

As many of you know my husband and oldest son Cooper recently returned from a missions trip to Guyana. I wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the teams favorite moments on my blog. I know there were lots of prayers being prayed and money being given by so many of our friends and family.  It is so important that we share the impact that generosity made in people's lives! 

I don't even know where to start. Going to Guyana, South America was the most life changing experience I have ever had! I can't pick one favorite story, because I have so many favorites! One of the best things about the trip was all the AMAZING people we met. The two days we got to travel on the river were great! We got to spend time really getting to know one another. Not only the people from South America, but the three ladies from South Carolina that were on our ministry team and the missionary from The Dominican Republic. We ate on the boat, played cards, sang and did a lot of talking! It is a memory that I will never forget. Definitely a once in a life time experience! These people didn't just become friends to us, but they became family.

Now, even though we are back in the US, we are all keeping in touch. It really touches my heart! It was awesome to be able to travel to another country and be with people who serve our mighty God. The unity built between our team was so strong. I plan on staying in touch with as many people as I can and I believe they will do the same. So, if you have never been on a mission trip, it's definitely something you should look into doing. Although my sweet friends in Guyana say I was a blessing to them, really they were the blessing to me!

I just read through my journaling from the trip and my heart is just broken. I miss the people so much. The relationships that were built there have made such an impact on my life. I wish I was there right now. The Lord put people in my life on this trip that He knew would help me better understand how to connect with the Lord. I'd really been struggling with not being fully dedicated to Him. The Lord used a few men with hearts after God to inspire me to become a better Christian not only through words but also and especially through their actions. I began to search my heart. The Lord revealed to me so many sinful things I was holding onto. The Lord came in and took away every single sin--He replaced it with love and passion.  I am fully dedicated to Him and I KNOW He has incredible plans for me. I'm so thankful that the Lord prepared a way for me to go on this trip. My love for the Lord and my desire to serve Him is more powerful than ever. 

Wow, so many great memories, so many great people and so many great things happened on this trip to Guyana.  I've had the privilege to be a part of several of these over seas mission trips, but I have to say this was the best yet!  Nothing against past trips they were all great and in their own way significant for my life.  However this one stands above the past trips for a few reasons: 

1- Cooper traveled with me...it was his first time on a trip like this and the way that he responded, to a different culture, food, people, and even church traditions was awesome!  Mostly though they way he responded to God, he allowed Him to speak and then he obeyed!   I was a very proud Dad! 

2- We had another first time time traveler that is near and dear with us, my Mom!  For as long as I can remember she has dreamed about going on an over seas trip.  It was so amazing to see something that had been a dream for so long become a reality!  Not to mention the times that she was able to speak and teach the word of God, I think about 5 times total while in Guyana, were great.  She is a very good communicator!  

3- The leaders that I met while we were there were some of the best leaders I have had the honor of working with.  Their love for what they do and the people they do it for is unmatched. They have such a strong desire to see the Kingdom of God advance though the building of the local church.  They selflessly and tirelessly serve people and each other in order to strengthen the church. In a day where so much of church and popular Christianity has become inward focused it was so refreshing to see these amazing people of God, whose sights are set high on Jesus and far reaching on His people! They truly inspired and challenged me to be better!  

There are so many wonderful stories of God's faithfulness that I couldn't even begin to touch on all of them!  So, I'd like to say thank you to all of you who committed to praying for us while we were away and also to those who in addition gave financially to make this possible not only for Cooper and I, but for all who were able to go.  You not have been there physically but trust me when I say YOU have made an impact on eternity for many people!  Next time you should join us! :)

My best memory from the trip was praying for Crystal.  I felt like God had been telling me before the trip that there would be someone who was sick that I was supposed to pray for.  I went to my dad after I saw this little girl named Crystal and I told him I needed to pray for her. My dad said that I  needed to pray for her if God was telling me to.  I went to her and held her in my arms and prayed for her. I asked God to heal her.  After I prayed for her I felt good because I had listened to God.  I also liked bathing in the river and riding on the boat!

I believe the saying is true, a picture is worth a thousand words.... ENJOY! 

The Village the team visited

Tree House....literally

Bathing in the River

VBS, Cooper teaching with his Grandma

One of these things is not like the others..... 

Jeff and Maggie Moody enjoying a long 8 hr boat ride down the Amazon 

Cooper and Carrie Dobson painting the church in the village 

Matt, Cooper and Bonnie Clowers the missions team leader

Matt with Pastors Gary and Judy 

Jeff Moody enjoying a light snack 

Anna Grace Jones 

Christin Dobson teaching VBS on the Street 

Rhonda Dobson praying during VBS

Hallie Reagan teaching VBS 

Matt and Coop in front of the worlds largest wooden structure St. George's Cathedral in Georgetown