Kicking it Old School

This morning I was reacquainted with an old friend. I am not sure when exactly my relationship with this particular friend strayed so far, but there was a time when we were so closely acquainted that our thoughts were one in the same.

Who is this friend you may ask?
This is my long lost kindred spirit named pen and paper.

There was a time a few years ago when writing in my journal was a daily occurrence. In fact I rarely missed a day for over ten years. It was in those journals that I discovered who I really am; I got clarity and direction when I was faced with difficult decisions and thought through overwhelming emotions. I guess I can trace my abandonment of pen and paper back to the new found love of my MacBook and my iPad. Now I believe I am as technically savvy as is appropriate for any 33-year-old mom, I have an iPhone, iPad and a computer at the tips of my fingers. It was with the ease of my devices that I chose the cold, hard, methodical clicking of a keyboard over the slow and messy scribbles that make up my journals.

I realized something a few weeks ago; I am struggling to find clarity and direction in my life right now. I feel as though I am wondering around trying all these different doors checking to see if what lies behind one of them will be a good fit for me. I have felt a little lost. I felt lost that is until Christmas morning when I opened up a present from my guy, he had bought me a new journal. There are few things greater in this world than cracking open a new journal. As I settled into my comfy couch this morning with my cup of coffee and my Bible I began to write down my thoughts. I began to answer my own questions and began, just began to get some clarity and direction.

All of my questions and concerns are not answered after one morning of blissful journaling, but I do believe I am back on track. It is amazing to me how sometimes we have to go back to the simpler, outdated things in order to reconnect to who we are. I love new, I love change, and I love all those things in almost every area of my life, every area that is except when it comes to my relationship with the Lord. Sometimes it is most important to go back to the basics of what works for me.

Ever since I was an 18-year-old baby I have pulled out my journal and bible and heard the voice of God clearly. It has been in those moments that I have received the most direction and encouragement from the Holy Spirit. It is what works for me and I hate that I abandoned it for so long. So this morning as I wrote I remembered a scripture that God has been speaking to me for so long,

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

Specifically the verse 6, seek his will in all I do and he will show me which path to take, he will be faithful to show me which door to open. I am not lost; I am not wondering I just forgot for a little while to connect to my source, that place where God speaks to me.

I hope that as the dawn is coming on another new year you will take a few minutes to think about where your connection point is. What have you set aside for the next great thing? I hope that you are encouraged to go old school in your personal walk with God.