On Top of the World

First let me start by saying Wow it is cold in Nebraska!  The last few days it has been in the 40’s and 50’s and rainy!  Today however feels like fall.  I have missed fall.  I love fall.  Not just because my birthday is in fall but I love everything pumpkin, hot chocolate and the beauty of the leaves turning.  I have realized that in Lincoln fall means football.  I like football but people here in Lincoln LOVE football!  It has been pretty amazing to watch the whole town get behind the Huskers on Saturday.  Everywhere you go people have their red on and the game is playing on the radio and through speakers in stores and the mall.  I love it here.  

Matt and I had the opportunity to go out last week because some amazingly awesome new friends came over and kept the kiddos.  We had been forced to lock ourselves in the jeep for some quiet alone time.  We were getting desperate!  As we were sitting downtown we both remarked on how much we love it here already.  It still seems very surreal that we live here and quite honestly I am scared for winter but right now, today, we love it here.  

During the week in the morning we sit down with the kids and read a devotional.  Some days are better than others.  There are days we all really get a lot out of it and there are days everyone is fighting or being silly.  We have noticed a verse that keeps finding its way into our devotional time,

Philippians 4:11-13,
11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.
12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.
13 For I can do everything through Christ, [a] who gives me strength.”

I have learned to be content , I have learned the secret of living in every situation  These words of wisdom written by Paul’s hand in the midst of being a prisoner, Paul writes that he is content because he can do all things through Christ who gives him strength.  This verse has made it’s way into our everyday conversation.  In this season when we have little and we are living by faith it is easy to believe for God to move in powerful ways, we really have no other choice but to trust Him.  We are learning to trust him for nearly everything in this season and He has shown off in beautiful ways.

We asked the question of the next season?  What about the next season when we are more stable and more secure, will be still trust God for everything?  The secret to learning to live content in every situation is not only when times are easy but when they are tough.  Trusting God is not only for when we are desperate but for when we have plenty.  When we are successful and when we are struggling.  In every season we need to seek Him.  For some it is easy to do when things are good, for some it is easy to do when things are tough.  The mystery Paul knew is that the circumstances surrounding your life should not determine your devotion to seeking God.  

It’s the seeking that God longs for, our searching is what motivates God to action.  

Jeremiah 29:12-13,
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.
13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”  

I have been reading the “she reads truth” devotional on Hosea and this morning the point of the study was to continue seeking God when you are on top of the world.  It reminded me of being of being content in every situation. The joy of searching for God is knowing that we will find him, regardless of what is happening in life, God remains constant and faithful.  

So I hope that wherever you are today, wether you are on top of the world or in the depths, my prayer for you is that you continue seeking God.  He will be found by you.  He offers everything that you need when you seek him with your whole heart.  He is on this journey along side of each of us. 

Be encouraged today, you are not alone.  

*As a side note the new Citipointe Live album "Wildfire" is amazing.  Everyone should get it!