6 Myths about "Quiet Time"

Over the years the phrase “quiet time” has gotten a lot of press.  It has become something people do to reflect, to meditate or pray. It is definitely something to post about on Instagram and let people know that you have had some good quiet time, but what is it really?  When someone is having quiet time, what is the goal? What do they do during the so-called “quiet time”? 

I am as guilty as the next person of talking about quiet time as though everyone knows what that means and how you do it.  For many of us, the thought of having time alone is laughable with little hands grabbing at you and the demands of our day weighing you down.  Can I encourage you? This is why it is important to understand what this is and why you should make time for it.   

I have been in process with Jesus for the past 21 years.  I say in process because it is not a place I am trying to arrive, it is an everyday journey of developing a relationship with someone.  I also will not refer to this time as doing ministry or being in ministry, because long before I was ever called pastor, I was called Christian.  I have had a lot of opportunities to be with Jesus in my quiet time of prayer. Some of these times have been short and to the point, some have been long and reflective, some have been loud and emotional.  In every season these times with Jesus have looked different. When I was single and had an apartment to myself, my time was so good and so intentional, it was lovely. Then when I was newly married, living with someone for the first time I had to find a new way to spend time with Jesus, then again when I had my first child then simultaneously my second and third, moves and job changes in between. All the while trying to grow closer to Jesus so that I could be a “good Christian”. 

I have learned a few things along the way that I feel compelled to share.  The more time I spend with people the more I realize that time with Jesus is not just a good idea, it is life.  Time with Jesus gives us peace and direction.  When I spend time with Jesus I am more like the person I want to be than when I prioritize sleep, social media or exercise over that time each day.  I know for me, it is a daily need.  

I have come to understand though that not everyone knows what “quiet time” with Jesus looks like.  Not everyone knows how to have a relationship with Jesus. Even those of us who attend church regularly, we still may not understand how to have time with Jesus.  So I want to share some basic myths about “quiet time” so that it is not some elusive thing you keep failing at, but rather an essential part of your day. 

Myth #1: Quiet time has to look a certain way. 

Over the years my QT has looked different.  I have stood and walked to pray, I have ran and listened to worship music, I have sat in a chair and read my Bible.  There have been seasons when I have been working through Bible studies or reading really great books. There have been times where I have held babies in my arms and sang worship music and prayed aloud.  Car worship concerts with tears streaming down my face and on my knees in the living room unable to put into words a prayer, overcome by God’s presence. Wherever I am, whatever I am doing there is no strict right or wrong that comes with having QT.  

Over the next few days, I am going to share what my QT currently looks like.  I will give you my current plan as a starting place to find out what yours is going to look like, but it is a guide, not a rule.  The important thing to note is that you do it, not how long it is or how polished it is. Any day you choose to set aside time to talk to Jesus and worship Him, you are growing.  That is a good day. 

Myth 2:  Quiet Time doesn’t happen if there is no photo evidence. 

There have been many seasons of life when I have had to get off “the gram” because it makes me feel less than.  Sometimes I can celebrate with people and other times I feel insecure and inadequate because of how beautiful other people’s lives seem to be.  You can actually spend time with God without sharing it on social media. In fact, some of the most powerful moments of your life will be done in the silent solitary moments you have with Jesus.  No one will “like” them, no one will even know they existed, but something in you is marked, and you are never the same. You don’t have to have a pretty picture in order to read the Bible, it can actually be done from a book with no pictures whatsoever.  

Myth 3:  QT has to be everlasting to be eternal. 

I think some of us get caught up in thinking God cares if our prayers are polished or long enough.  I have had many seasons of life where all I could muster up is Jesus help me and you know what? It was enough.  You will stumble over words and say silly things, but God loves to hear you pray, He loves it when His kids come to him, to spend time with Him.  When we come close to Him he is right there. We don’t have to have our prayers be long and boring, sometimes they can be quick and heartfelt, even just under our breath and He is right there for each of us.  Isn’t that an amazing thought? The God of the universe is waiting for me to say Hello. 

Myth 4: Praying to God in a status is the same as actually talking to Him. 

God is not on Facebook. Can he see our status? Sure He can see everything, but this if this is our only interaction with God, we may be misunderstanding what relationship looks like. I often wonder if the friends who are posting prayers as their status or commenting “praying for you” are actually praying or if the simple act of typing “praying for you” is the same thing as doing it? I have been guilty of saying I will pray for something or someone and forgetting to actually pray about it.  I do my best to pray right when I say I will or even just say can we pray now? I don’t want to forget, I don’t want to say I am praying for someone or something and not actually do it. Prayer is intentional we have to make time for it.  

Myth 5: You have to have life figured out before you go to God. 

Just the opposite actually.  1 Peter 5:7, “Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you”  Most of us are overcome with anxiety and doubt because we do not take our worries and stress to God.  We talk about it and never actually pray about it. This is what QT is all about. God wants us to pray for others and thank him for all that we have, but he also wants us to trust him with our whole heart.  That includes whatever is weighing you down. Try giving it to God, like say it out loud, like you were talking to a friend. That is how relationships are built, by being vulnerable. 

If we wait until we have things all figured out before we go to God in prayer we will never find ourselves with Him.  He wants our brokenness, our mess, our hurt just as much as he wants to celebrate with us and bless our lives. He wants it all. 

Myth 6:  Quiet time is boring. 

Some of my greatest moments are during the early morning hours when I am alone with Jesus.  We have great conversations, He likes my singing, I get great ideas and comfort. When we start having a Quiet time,  it’s best to start small, but the more time you spend with Jesus, I believe the more time you want to spend. There have been many mornings I just don’t want to quit when it is time to go wake up the kids. I love finding new worship music, reading scripture and hearing God speak to me through it, processing in my journal so that I can be more effective in my day.  I love spending time with Jesus. It wasn’t always that way, but over the years it has become the best part of my day. 

I fully understand that not everyone is where I am.  The thought of sitting quietly or not so quietly and praying seems scary and intimidating.  So for the next 5 days, I am going to share my quiet time with you. I want to show you that it is not something difficult or only for special people.  It is for all of us. Hopefully through this you will discover how you best find Jesus. For some people, it is the quiet of the early morning, some in the last hours of the day.  For some He is found in nature, some in a journal or with headphones and worship music blasting. Wherever you find Jesus now is the season to go looking for Him. Is there a greater time to make time for Him?  This is the season to set time aside to celebrate who He is, He is Immanuel, God with us.