Quiet Time: Day Five

There are some mornings that I really engage with my quiet time and feel it, ya know, like really feel it.  Then there are times that I struggle to focus, I have to make lists just to stop thinking about all the things I need to do.  Today though wow. I felt the love of God for me in such a real way. I didn’t even have words to say or pray, I could only worship.  

I found a new song, the kind that hit you in just the best way. Those kinds of songs will be all I listen too for a little while until another song hits me.  Wow. This is my now song and it is so so good. So good in fact I listened to it all day, in the car, sitting in Starbucks, honestly holding back tears trying not to have a worship service, a little embarrassing maybe, but wow it’s good.  

Get your headphones ready and play this to kick off your quiet time today.   

Worship your little heart out with this one...go ahead...I’ll wait…

So good right? I am sure some prayer and worship started as you listen to that song so let’s get into the Word! 

I continued reading in Luke 5 today since I didn’t make it all the way through yesterday. 

S. Scripture Luke 2:15-16. There was a lot in Chapter 5, but I started to get bogged down.  So I marked some verses that I want to go back to tomorrow and I focused on these two.  

15 After this miracle, the news about Jesus spread even farther. Massive crowds continually gathered to hear him speak and to be healed from their illnesses. 16 But Jesus often slipped away from them and went into the wilderness to pray.

O. Observation 

Jesus needed quiet time too. He was busy, like really busy ministering to the crowd, healing people, doing important work.   Even doing this work, this life-changing work, he slipped away often to pray. Jesus was teaching us an important principle here, we can not pour from an empty cup.   

A. Application 

Whatever I am doing, it is not as important as what Jesus was doing.  What an example Jesus is giving us right here so stop whatever I am doing and pray.  Stop where I am at to worship, to be with God. This is such an amazing find in the life of Christ.  Jesus needed to be with His Father, he needed to be in relationship with him. How much more, do I need to be in his presence every single day. 

P. Prayer 

Lord help me to remember that nothing I am doing is more important than being in your presence.  There is no greater way to spend my time with you. Help me to make time to sneak away to have moments with you.  I need you every single day, every single moment. I don’t want anything I do to be outside of a relationship with you.  Lead me, guide me and fill me with your spirit in a new and fresh way! 

This has been so good for me to share my quiet time with you.  Thank you for being a part of this journey, my prayer is that it is creating habits in you that are helping you grow closer to Jesus.  It is easier than you think. Remember you are not doing it wrong, you aren’t failing, if you are trying you are succeeding.