The Discipline of Believing


Embarking on a journey of faith is never easy. There are days I feel confident and ready to tackle the world and there are days when I wake up in a full on panic, overcome with fear and worry. I am sad to say I have had more of the later so far in 2018.  

Each morning my alarm goes off at 5 a.m. Somehow my dog knows exactly the moment my eyes pop open and he starts barking. This is a struggle for me because I am a “snoozer”. Since we brought Rizzo home my snoozing days are over. Most of the time I let him out and head back to bed for a few minutes. It has become my routine, however lately my time back in bed has been anything but restful. Thoughts begin running around like crazy, overtaking my peace, casting a shadow over my day.  

This is not usual for me but as we have decided to take another huge step of faith, the enemy of my soul is attempting to come in with distraction and fear.  You see about 6 months ago we decided to launch a second campus.  Many people have suggested that it is crazy to start a second location for a church plant who meets in a school and is not yet 3 years old.  Believe me, the bankers thought it was crazy when they denied our loan. So bigger faith was needed to move forward debt free and guess what God is showing up!  We knew this is what God is saying to us. We are confident this has been His plan all along and the vision He gave us while we sat in our rental home in Georgia 4 years ago. A Church that covers the state of Nebraska with the kind of mercy and refuge that only a relationship with Jesus can give.

Even with all the confidence that this is God’s plan, it is still a very scary step we are taking. One thing I have learned, however, is that most of the time the things that God asks of us don’t make sense in the natural, it takes a supernatural view to see them with clarity.

This past Sunday as we continued on in our “Above and Below” series on prayer, Matt talked about the language of limitation and it has stuck with me ever since. You know that language, I can’t, I won’t, I don’t. These words limit us but more importantly, they limit what God can do in us and through us.  When we look at our circumstances through our eyes only we are limited by can’t, won’t and don’t, but when we shift our eyes to eyes of faith that see what God can do we see on another level.  

I decided I don’t like waking up in fear, I want to wake up in faith. I want to see the limitless God that I serve moving and working on my behalf, not limitation. One verse that I can’t seem to get enough of lately is Psalm 23:6 a,

“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”

Another version says that goodness will pursue me. I love that picture! God’s goodness is chasing me down!  Imagine if we looked at every situation with that kind of eyes, believing that God’s best for you was following you around at every moment.  

So I decided yesterday to keep that scripture on the end of my tongue. The most amazing thing happened, I saw God’s goodness and favor in my day. In simple moments with people, in my attitude and in God’s blessing. I chose to see what was good and I acted in faith. I even sold my van in 1 hour!  

It’s amazing how a little shift in perspective can shape your attitude and your day.  I love how God’s word can come alive to us when we meditate on it, carry it with us and apply it to our lives.  He is so faithful.  

Today I hope you will look behind you cause I guarantee God’s goodness and mercy are hot on your tail!