Worth Every Penny

Most days I am pretty cheap, as in I don’t like to spend a lot of money. I’m what some may call a nickel and dimer. However, we are on vacation this week and there is one special little girl that seems to always get the shaft. Emery is a middle child and usually ends up happily spending her weekends at ball games. Matt and I decided that we should do something special just for Emery on this vacation.

I graciously volunteered to take her to Cirque de Soleil. I remember my mom taking my sister and I years ago. I remember how much I loved it, it is a special memory that I have. I was so excited to make that memory with my own daughter tonight. We left the hotel and she had no idea where we were going, but she was giddy with anticipation. On the car ride we discussed our plans and she asked why she got to go by herself. I told her because she was so special and we wanted her to have her own special night.

The show was amazing! We both loved it so much and I think that she will remember our trip, just like I remember mine. Sometimes I forget that I only have this time with her, I push her aside when I’m too busy, and I look at my phone while she is talking to me. Tonight was just for her and we had such a good time. It is important to take time out to focus on the kids individually; I need to do it more often. Stewarding the life of a child is a big job, sometimes, like tonight it is a really fun job as well.

To end the night, we went to Giordano’s. It was like a little slice of home. It totally blew my diet but it was so delicious.

What a great first day of vacation!