Child-like Faith

If you read my post from the weekend you already know that we had a big service at our church.  This is a service we do every year called resurrection seed offering.  It is a powerful time where families give an offering and write on their offering envelope all the things they are believing God for in the upcoming year.  This is something that we look forward to doing because as I said in my last post we have seen God answer so many of the prayers we have written down.  Each year we do this as a family and ask the kids to write down what they are believing for.  This year was no different.

 I had a proud mommy moment as I stood in the kitchen with the kids filling out our envelope.  I asked them what were the things they were really believing God to do? They only had two things to write down, but these two things were big, God sized things. 

The boys play baseball with a little boy who has recently gotten sick.  He has been unable to play baseball and nearly lost his life.  The number one item on their list was for this little boy to be totally healed, so he could play baseball again.  

The second item was for our homeless friends to find Jesus and homes.  Matt has been going downtown every Thursday passing out food to the homeless for about a year now and occasionally when he can, he takes the kids with him.  I love that he does this.  It’s one of my most favorite things about him and the kids love going. They have spent time with and loved on many of the people that Matt ministers to each week. 

As I wrote their prayer down my mind immediately thought, “oh how sweet that they want to believe for the homeless.”  I might as well have said, “bless their hearts”.  Now if you live in the south you know what that really means is, poor little kids are dreaming.  After all they don’t understand what would have to take place for the homeless people to find homes. Thankfully God set me straight real quick. 

This is Ms. Bobby, she is not homeless, but a good friend of the kids :)

I realized that I have been praying wimpy prayers!  My prayers have been weak and lacking an important element called faith!  I have not even been asking God to do the impossible in my life or the life of those around me.  Shame on me!  I guess part of me has been afraid of the disappointment that I may feel if my prayers go unanswered and part of me has just been satisfied living in the middle.  I know that God is in the business of doing the impossible.  He wants to do the impossible in our lives.  I am not a live in the middle kind of girl, but that is exactly where I have been living!  I want to live on the edge!  On the edge with God is the safest, most exciting place to be. 

I love to learn, learning means growing.  I am amazed at the opportunity I have to steward the lives of my children, but how much more amazing it is when they teach me about faith!  The kids just believe that God will do it; they don’t doubt it for a second.  The Bible tells us to have childlike faith and I have seen that in action. 

Today I believe God wants to do the impossible in my life.  I am asking Him to give me some child-like faith.  What does the impossible look like in your life?  God is waiting to answer our prayers, lets be bold enough to ask Him.