Worth It

A few weeks ago we got Matt signed up to go to Jeanne Mayo’s National Youth Leaders Conference (www.nylc12.com) in Atlanta.  It occurred to me that I may be able to go up on Tuesday afternoon for the services but honestly the thought of figuring out the kids and all their activities was exhausting. So I put it off.  I put it off until Sunday when I got a message from my friend Julie, who lives in Atlanta. She simply said she was looking forward to seeing me. I realized I was looking forward to seeing her too. 

You know sometimes you just need a hug from an old friend. So yesterday with the help of my mother-in-law, cousin and one of our youth leaders I had my kids squared away and I was able to meet this pretty lady and we drove two hours to NYLC. I gotta tell you even though we drove 4 hours total and I only got 3 hours of sleep, going to this conference for a few hours was so worth it. (also got to spend some time with some of my favorite people and eat at Chipotle!)

I got to conference just in time to hear Judah Smith. In the evening I had the privilege to worship with Kari Jobe and Desperation Band and listen to an amazing woman of God, Jeanne Mayo speak a powerful message.  

I was challenged, in the best possible way. The kind of challenge that doesn’t allow me to look at everyone else, last night I was forced to look at myself and examine my own heart. Pastor Jeanne was preaching a message about character. Character is not a popular topic to talk about in any circles, not even church circles.  The quote that stuck out to me most was this, “It’s a scary mistake to dream what you will do without first taking the time to decide who you will be.” Talk about a slap in the face! For months, maybe years I have been praying, “God make my dreams come true!” I have asking God to open doors for us in ministry and in my personal life, asking God to help me do, do, do instead of asking God to help me be, be, be. 

Jeannie closed by challenging us to “intentionally cultivate character”. Easier said than done!  It is difficult to look at yourself without bias. Sitting in the auditorium with over two thousand people listening to Kari Jobe’s beautiful voice, the Lord began to speak to me, to show me my weak spots, the areas of my character that I have let slide. I was reminded of the person God wanted me to be on the inside, not all the great things He has for me to do, but the person He has created me to be.

I realize I will fail if I try to be anything on my own.  It is only through dying to myself and allowing the power of Christ to live inside of me that I can cultivate my character. Each day, one day at a time, letting Christ live in me. Even though it was difficult to get to the conference and I had every excuse in the world not to go, I am so glad I made the time to let God speak to me. 

I would encourage anyone reading this, even when it is hard to get into the presence of God, when it seems impossible, when you make time for God on a continual basis, He shows up and changes your life. Let God work it out in you.  

Pr. 22:1
"Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold."