Don’t Forget to Remember

Every year around this time our church has a special weekend. We call it resurrection seed. This is not only an important time for Life Center but also in the lives of our church family.

Today, I find myself right smack dab in the middle of this special weekend. I woke up early today with it on my mind so I got up to pray and ask the Lord what is it that we need to sow our seed for this year. I asked the Lord what does He have for us this year and I was reminded of past years, God brought me back to our first year here is Macon, when we had an opportunity to give in this offering as a family.

Four years ago we once again packed up our family and moved to Macon, GA. Once we got here we were settling in and I began having some health issues. I wasn’t sure what was going on so for a few weeks I let it go. The issues continued and I felt like I needed to take a pregnancy test, it came back positive. Over the next few days I had tests done and found out that I was miscarrying. I believed God to protect the baby but I ended up having a miscarriage. I was disappointed and hurt.

I remember one day during this time I was putting Cooper down for a nap and as I was about to leave the room and Coop, who knew nothing about the baby, says to me, “Momma, nothing is impossible with God.” He had been listening to the song “Healer” on repeat and something in that song had gotten inside of him. My five-year-old son reminded me, that nothing was impossible for God and hope was renewed in my spirit.

Fast forward to Resurrection Seed 2009. Emery had been asking God for a baby sister. Her reasoning was simple; she wanted to share a room cause she was scared to stay alone. (This is a fact I remind her of quite frequently as she complains that Lilah won’t leave her stuff alone.) That particular year for RSO Emery asked me to write on her part of the envelope that God would give us a baby sister, so I did. One month later I found out I was pregnant.

Lilah Jane is a perfect addition to our family. I don’t know why I lost the baby in 2008 but I do know that God took my hurt and disappointment and He restored to us everything we had lost. God does that, when we are hurt and feeling lost, He offers hope for the future. Hope that there will come a day when things will look different. That is the hope I hold onto as we enter another season of giving in this special offering.

Today I choose to remember that where God was faithful before, He will be faithful again. It is not about what I am believing God for, or the things we need to see happen, it is all about God. In Him and by Him I have everything I need. My hope lives in the power of Christ at work in me. No matter what you need today, Jesus has your answer. Take comfort in knowing that He sees the end from the beginning.

Have hope my friends, God’s got your back.