The House

Have you ever known something in your head but believed something completely different in your heart?  I am sort of in the middle of a situation like that right now.  Four years ago Matt and I felt that we were supposed to move back to Macon and work at Life Center again.  We believed the Lord was calling us back here to live and serve this ministry.  We were certain.

When we decided to move we had only one major thing to do, sell our house in Rockford.  I was sure, more sure than I have ever been that God would see to it that our house sold.  We had open houses with great response for weeks.  The day came to move and still we had our house. 

This house is a good house; it was good to our family.  My twins took their first steps in this house, my kids were potty trained in this house, I liked this house.  Today four years later I do not like this house.  I would like for this house to go away now.

You may have guessed it but this house did not sell, still to this day we have this house sitting on the corner of Cumberland St. in Rockford, IL.  Over 1000 miles away from where we are now.  Here is the problem.  A situation like this would cause many to falter in their belief, to ask questions like “were we not supposed to move?” or “did we make a mistake?”  I am not going to lie and pretend like I haven’t asked those questions.  However, it is a quick look around our life here in Macon and I know that we heard God’s voice, I am positive we were supposed to move here.

I can tell by the growth that we have experienced personally and in the lives of our children.  I can look at our relationships here and know that without a doubt we are where we are supposed to be.  So why, why, why do we still have this house? 

Here is where blind faith comes into play.  I have no choice but to trust God.  I have no other option than to believe that God has got it under control.  My mom used to tell me something when I would worry as a child.  She said picture yourself handing over your issues to God, knowing that He has them safe in his hands, understanding that they are with Him.  I am trying my hardest to give God my worries with this house.  As I thought on this today I came across this scripture,

“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”  Eph. 6:20-21

Here is what I can come up with.  I don’t know why we still have this house, but I do know that God is working something out in me.  His Spirit is deeply and gently working in me.  As crazy as it seems, knowing that makes having that house o.k. 

Are you feeling worried about something bigger than you can handle?  I would encourage you to give it to God; He can do more than you can ever imagine if you will hand your life over to Him.