Be Adventurous

In less than one week I will be getting on a plane bound for London! I am so excited to be going, but as the day gets closer to leaving I am feeling nervous and a little guilty. Am I the only mom that feels guilty for leaving her family? It is not that I don’t think Matt can handle it, because he usually is calmer than I am and it is not that I feel like they can’t manage without me. I feel a little guilty about taking six days and doing only what I want to do. I feel a little guilty about eating where I want, and sleeping as long as I want and spending my days how I want to spend them. O.k. maybe not so guilty.

People have asked me why I am going to London. I feel a little silly saying that I am going to the Hillsong Woman’s Conference. The truth is that I have been listening to the Hillsong sisterhood podcast for over a year now and have been ministered to and pastored through these messages. I feel connected to these woman, I feel like they are part of my church. They have no idea who I am or the impact they are having on my life, but that is not what is important. I have wanted to go to this conference for years. Matt looked at me last year and said just go.

I think in life we always say I would love to do that someday or that would be nice, maybe someday I will do that. Unfortunately for most of us someday never comes. I know that was the truth for me. What is it that keeps us from adventuring out to do the things we dream about? I think most of it is fear. We can find all sorts of excuses not to do something, but what could we accomplish if we start doing the things we dream of doing no matter what. When I signed up to go to this conference I had no money to actually go and no one to go with me. Since that time God has provided the money that I need and two great people to come along for the ride.

I don’t want to be scared to do the things I dream of doing. I want to travel, I want to write, I want to speak. I don’t want to allow fear to keep me from accomplishing the things that God is calling me too. If I fail, I fail but at least I know tried. I am o.k. with failing, I am not o.k. with not trying. This is the only life I have, I need to make the most of it so that my kids can follow my lead and try to accomplish their dreams.

In the past I have stepped out to do something and it hasn’t worked, but sometimes it does work, those are the times I need to focus on. We can get caught up in our failures and never try anything new. All that will do is leave us filled with regret over what could have been.

Be adventurous, Be bold, Be strong! If you are worried about doing what God wants you to do, ask Him what to do, He is not intimidated by our bold dreams, most of the time He is the one who put them in our hearts.

God does not want our lives to be boring or mundane. If you look at what Jesus did on earth it was never boring and He was never afraid to step out and do what He felt called to do. When He did feel unsure He asked God to give Him strength, we can follow His lead.

I hope that someone will read this and feel empowered to do something you have always dreamed of doing. I hope that when I am in London doing something I have dreamed of, that you will be here or somewhere doing something that you have been dreaming about.