Questions no one can answer

Over the years there is a question that I have asked repeatedly without anyone really ever giving me an answer. I have asked all sorts of people in all sorts of places the same question. I have contemplated sending emails to people I don’t know asking for their advice on this subject. I have been left to figure it out on my own, as many of us often are. The question that has gone unanswered is a simple question that has no simple answer, When do I find time to pray?

When I was eighteen and newly saved I had not a care in the world for two years I spent at least an hour every single day in prayer. I had time to read the Bible and books to help me grow in my relationship with God. I was intense! I would wake up early everyday without fail to pray, if I did happen to miss a day I felt an immense amount of guilt. I was growing closer to God but at the same time I was creating some very religious habits.

Then things began to change. First I got married and guess what, it was harder to get up early and find time and space to pray in our little apartment. I began to struggle with feeling guilty so much so that I didn’t even try to find another time of day to pray I just threw my hands up in the air and decided the day was a wash. Then to stretch my time even more I had three babies in two years and alone time went out the window. I don’t remember much about those years; I was just trying to get through each day. As my life has gotten even busier with work, ministry and another baby it has become increasingly difficult to find alone time to spend with God. I am not alone in this issue and that is why no one could ever answer my question, most people said they wished they knew. So in hopes of letting some people off the hook this is what I have learned.

In the New Testament Jesus talks a lot in the gospels about when you pray do this or that. However I have not found any places that address how a busy lady finds quality time to spend with the Lord. I know it is vital to spend time with God; I think that is why I have given this topic so much thought. I am a better wife, mother and person when I have had some time with Jesus. When I don’t get that time, it is obvious. So many people end up feeling so guilty or hopeless that they quit even attempting to find the time. The time is quickly taken up with other tasks or even sleep.

My daily time for prayer has become my 20-minute drive to work in the morning, that is when I don’t zone out and forget. My time with God consists of listening to worship music when I clean or do the dishes. My quiet time for studying the Bible is the 20-30 minutes I have in the carpool line or while Lilah takes a nap. This does not happen everyday but I have learned that I can’t put pressure on myself when I don’t have time or I forget. The important thing is to do it, sometime, even if it’s only a little time. Time in the presence of God is the time that changes your life, it’s those moments that heal your heart and calm your soul.

Something else I have started doing is praying when I think of it. If I tell someone I’m praying for you or I think of something that needs prayer I do it right then. Waiting in my world means forgetting. I love it because now my kids hear me praying and occasionally they join in. There are moments in the car or at baseball practice when I say a prayer before I forget and those are the moments that matter. It brings new meaning to 1 Thess. 5:17, which simply says “pray without ceasing”.

That verse used to stress me out! Now I understand that praying without ceasing simply means living a lifestyle of prayer. Praying always no matter where I am. I used to think I needed an hour and a quiet room, but I know now all I need is my voice. God can meet me anywhere and no time is a bad time for prayer.

God is so good at answering our questions. Instead of asking everyone I knew this question I should have started with asking God. I hope that this lets some people off the hook.  Time with God looks different for each of us and that is o.k. I hope you can find some time to spend in prayer this week. I know I will while I am in London at the Hillsong Colour Conference! (I couldn’t resist throwing that in there)